Monday, February 25, 2008

About Time!

I guess it has been a while since we last updated. We haven't taken any recent pictures (as in the last month or so) that's what happens when you don't buy rechargables for your camera.

I guess the only big news we have since last time is that we do know we are having a girl! She is still due around the end of June - but due dates don't really mean that much when your first child decided to come three weeks early out of nowhere. We are just shooting for June. Everything is going great - and I am much bigger this time around, then I was with Brady. It's good fun! No, in all, I love being pregnant - it's been pretty easy once we got past the first trimester. Now it's time to move Brady into a Big Boy bedroom - all his new furniture is in the garage, waiting for mommy to clean up the rest of her office so we can move the Baby furniture in that room - then Tony gets the fun job of assembling Brady's new furniture!

We are going to Disneyland over Spring Break with all of Tony's family (18 of us in 5 hotel rooms, 2 pregnant girls, 5 kids - 4 of them being girls). Should be lots of fun - there will probably be many stories!

Life is good - just going to try and figure out what it will bring us next!

1 comment:

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

You just made my day!!! An update with pictures and everything:) Thank you, thank you! A girl!! We can't wait to see them both this summer:) Get some belly shots on here...or is that asking too much considering how long it took you to get a few new updates...I won't push it;) We are so happy for you guys! I'll probably be calling soon! MISS YOU!