Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Stitch in Time!

It was only a matter of time. There have been so many close calls, and we even mentioned the other day - we have been pretty lucky that there haven't been any major accidents with the kids...that is until now!
It was like any other nornmal day, the kids were playing Star Wars legos (that's the new cool thing these days) and they were using the dining room table as their fort, and the chairs as the Star Wars ships "docking stations". No horse play - no running around - everything was clam, boys were using inside voices. The last thing on my mind was that in a matter of seconds Brady's forehead would be split wide open by a dining room table chair.
So where was mom and Kayley - I had Kayley up on the counter - fixing that crazy hair of hers like I do everyday.
When Brady ran around the corner crying, I saw his forehead and immediately knew we needed to get him to a doctor. I called Tony, "Get Home Now", as he was at work, and then I called my amazing neighbor across the street. She was here within a matter of seconds! I was trying to get Brady to show her his forehead - and she just calmly said, "you know, I think I will get Kayley off the counter first". OH BOY - in all that I had forgot that Kayley was still on the counter! Lesson Learned: make sure all kids are safe before handling an emergency.
Anyways, I have attached some pictures of the aftermath. We are happy to report that 3 stitches later, a Yoda figurine and a Obi-wan-kanobi figurine with a speeder spaceship from Toys R Us - Brady was back to his normal, funny, crazy, happy self within a matter of hours!
Thank goodness it was only 3 stitches!

Warning: pictures not for the squeamish!


Casey, Teissa, Izaac and Bella said...

What a tough guy!!! Now he and Izaac can be scar buddies :)

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

At least it's a cute little scar:) Good job won't be long and you'll be a pro at it! (well, I'm hoping not:))