Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Playgroup Christmas Picture 2006

You know it's gonna be a good picture when there are six kids involved! Here is Kaytlyn, Alex, Ian and Andrew on the couch and Brady and Ashley on the floor.

Monday, December 11, 2006

and more pictures...

More pictures...

Brady's 1st Birthday!

We had a weekend full of celebration. A party in Portland and a party in Eugene. Brady did great! We had lots of cake, opened lots of presents and spent time with good family and friends. Wow - how time flies. It's been an amazing year. Here are some pictures of the Birthday boy...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Brady's 1st Halloween

We celebrated Halloween at Gymboree. As you can see, not very any kids made it, but Brady had a great time with his friend (the powerranger) and teacher Jenny. After Gymboree we headed home where Superman Izaac came to visit. They were not too happy about the picture taking session.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Brady's First Hair Cut

I tried cutting Brady's hair about a month ago - it didn't look bad - but you could definately tell I didn't know what I was doing. So I took him to a place just for kids. I thought he would do really good because of his laid back temperment. I was completely mistaken!! He hated it! From the first minute I put him in the tricycle chair, to the cape, the wet down, the snipping and the combing - it was so traumatic. I thought I was going to get some cute pictures, but I was too busy being unsuccessful at distracting. Could it have been the woman's pirate costume? Maybe it was a bad day to take him. I did get some before and after shots - he is even showing off his teeth followed by the drool. Happy Halloween everyone.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Since Tony and I have been married, we have never picked out and carved a pumpkin (not real sure if that has anything to do with our 3 month venture in Illinois with pumpkins!!). This year we thought we would take Brady to pick out out our first family pumpkin ever. Brady was pretty expressionless, not really sure what to think about it all. But, we got some good pictures. Can you see the cousin rivalry on the last picture? Brady is pulling Abigail's hair. No wonder she would ask uncle Tony to take Brady home!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Brady decided he wanted to be a superhero for Halloween - Superman it is!! Mommy had to play dress up early!
We are hoping that this new blog will be easier to use and easier to update. Brady is turning into a little boy and we want you all to see him grow!