Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ryah is ONE!

The pretty Birthday girl!

"MMMM, Cake! Sugar! Mess! My kind of fun!"

"Papa, will you buy me a pony?"

Toys Toys Toys


Due to our weight gaining issues, we are starting her early on rice cereal. She still doesn't get the food on the spoon concept, but we now put rice cereal, in the rice starch formula bottle! Hopefully we are crossing this hurddle - it's been a tough one. Keep your fingers crossed for us as we go in for another weigh in.

Sweet Little Kayley

Our card shark

I asked Brady last week what he wanted to be when he was older - his response, "I want to be a shark!". I don't think he meant a card shark - but here he is in action!

"I think I will raise you a pack of m&m's"

"I'm not sure what those 4 seven's do, but that ace is pretty high".

FEET - I've got my FEET!

You know you are at Grandma and Papa's house when.....

...a bath from Grandma tuckers you out.

...your bath is the kitchen sink.

...your 4 month old has a hold of M & M's.

..a flock of 23 turkeys are pecking outside your window!

Grandpa Doug

My grandpa Doug stayed with my parents for a few months while he went through radiation treatment. It was good to have him there while we visitied. He is now at home, recovering.

Grandpa wasn't so sure how he was going to get up! But he did!

Kayley with Great Grandpa Doug!

A night in Corvallis!

Our good friend Joel came to visit from California! He joined us for the Arizona State game. Tony's parents were so gracious to take the kids all night since it was a night game. We had so much fun - just like old times! The more things change, the more they stay the same. We love you Joel!!!

"Highway to the Danger Zone!"

AHHH - good times!

Haloween 2008

"Hey Mima, remember that song Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater?"

Brady and the girls!

Give us your best tiger roar!

Abigail with Rachel

"I bet they can't see me if I close my eyes."

We had so much fun with our cousins trick-or-treating! Alexa and Alyson were there along with Abigail and Rachel. As Brady says, "This is the best Halloween ever!". He has asked every night since then to go trick-or-treating. And the Halloween special we recorded - we watch it everyday! These holidays seems to last months!!!