Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ryah is Two!

We are at such a fun age with our kids! They make us laugh all day, and Ryah's day was no exception! She was a crack up and so stinkin' cute! Happy Birthday Ryah! We love you!

How precious!

Ryah with her padres!

careful, precise and utinsils!

messy, don't care, fingers!

Ryah's favorite Auntie!

Bday fun!

Our friend Kellen turned two in November! He had a fun bday at the jump/gymnastics gym! Happy Birthday Kellen!

Moniques nephew Cooper, Angie's baby Kellen and Kayley and Brady in the background...this was the only shot I could get with the 4 of them together!


"Kayley, Kayley, Kayley the Explorer!"


The Larsen clan took a trip to Manzanita - I guess the camera only came out on the beach, but it was a fun weekend of food, games, football and NERTS!

Phil and Ryah braving the waves!

Not really sure about this, something is very wrong here!

Again, not really sure what's going on here!

"kinda stormy out here gramps!"