Monday, February 26, 2007

Mowing the floor!

Our Beaver Cowboy!

Check him out! He found Grandpa's beaver cowboy hat!

Mardi Gras!

I want to feed myself!!

The only way we get Brady to eat his veggies is by feeding him the baby food veggies - as you can see, this way is not working anymore.

Brady's new car seat!

What a big kid he is now with a new car seat.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Bedtime story

Playgroup friends!

Here we all are at Kelly's baby shower.

Go Beavs - Go!

Thank you to my dad's friend Ralph and Gloria who gave this outfit to Brady to cheer on his favorite team! We love it!

Rub a Dub Dub

Our little man in the tub - what great hair huh!

Our smartie pants!

This is Brady making a puzzle out of the dominoes. He lined them all up in the tray by himself. Isn't he so smart!! : )

Brady and Cousin Robbie

Christmas at the Charon's

We had a full house at Tony's parent's house. All 19
of us!

and more pictures

more pictures with the Larsen's

Christmas with The Larsen's

We had a great time being with Grandma Janese, Grandpa Kim, Unlce Phil, Aunt Jenna and cousin Teja. We also were able to spend Christmas with my Grandma Alice, Unlce Lynn, Aunt Mary and cousin Laura. The Christmas tree was something straight out of National Lampoon's Christmas vacation - ridiculously huge. Christmas at the Larsen's is just plain crazy - but fun! Check it out.

Mommy's Elf

We had our own personal elf this year. He loved Christmas - he just wasn't so sure about the hat.