Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Three Years of Love, Laughter and much Joy!

Brady asked me if I wanted to lay with him for a minute tonight before he fell asleep - so, being it his Birthday and all, I just wanted to cherish the moment. I asked him what his most favorite part of the day was - it was the stickers!! Hoping to get a real sentimental answer - I got stickers!! I guess that it what makes this age so much fun - you never know what's going to come out of his mouth, or what he is going to do next! Just as I was going to get up, Brady said, "Mommy, I love you very very much", it just doesn't get any better than this! What an amazing three years it has been. I am so lucky to be able to stay home with him, enjoying this time in his life - thank you Tony for all you do for us - you are amazing! I know where Lil' B get's it!
All in all we had a very fun day - started out with a hot chocolate and cinnamon roll breakfast, then off to Toys R Us (Geoffery sent a b-day card to Brady). We finished it off with a small party at Tony's parents house. Thank you for all those who sent Birthday wishes!

Ending the day off right! (with sugar)

I know, I know - I've got mad cake decorating skills! Ha!!!

Staring the day off right! (with sugar)

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