Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

My Top Ten Reason's why I love my daddy (from Brady)

10) He let's me help him mow the lawn.
9) He loves to play "Ready, Set, Go..." with me (who can run the fastest down the hall)
8) He loves to help mommy change my diapers!
7) He takes me to the park.
6) He doesn't mind when I wake him up at 6:00 am on the weekends.
5) He gets me super hyper right before bed time, which mommy loves!
4) He goes to work everyday to buy me lots of toys.
3) He made my wall blue, and it's beautiful!
2) He will take me back to Disneyland when I am 6!! WHOOHOOO!!
and the #1 reason why I love my daddy....
because he takes good care of my mommy!!!

1 comment:

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said... sweet! I hope Tony reads it:) Hope you had a wonderful Father's Day weekend! Thinking of you and that belly;)